The bigger the project, the more mismanagement is likely to occur. It’s a pretty straightforward equation. Too many businesses lose too much money on trying to effectively – and concurrently –manage a large number of projects with various employees, at different time periods.
Mistakes occur that can put your project on a hold. However, they’re not inevitable. Some of the leading intranet solutions experts spoke to their project management clients. And here are some mistakes that they’ve highlighted:
Mistake 1 – Not Assigning the Right Manager to the Project
Typically, most of the efforts of managing a project are focused on finding the right resources, as opposed to finding the right project manager who can head it all. Resource allocation is often given top priority. Often the managers are selected based on availability; rather than on their skill sets and experience.
“It is absolutely imperative to choose a project manager whose skill set not only matches the requirements of the projects; but he or she must also have something valuable to offer – to fill in the gaps, so to speak,” says Bruce Collen, Managing Partner, Same-Page.
Mistake 2 – Lack of Communication
Without regular and clear communication, your project will fall apart. We see it happen all too often with growing companies. For managers who are simultaneously coordinating multiple projects with dozens of employees on a daily basis, clearly communicating different tasks to each of them is one of the biggest challenges. After all, there is only so much one can do. And then there’s the factor of human error.
You need the right support. Having an intranet solution that provides managers with a systematic way of assigning tasks, communicating goals, and keeping track of the project is the best way to successfully manage it. Make the intranet part of corporate culture, and eliminate the factor of poor communication altogether!
Mistake 3 – Providing Overly Ambitious Deadlines
Deadlines are essential; they keep your employees motivated. However, in an effort to keep business clients happy, organizations’ managers often set unrealistic and aggressive timelines for project completion. Deadlines are missed, and this only results in distrust, aggravation and an unmotivated staff.
Set challenging, yet realistic, deadlines that will provide a balance – time to allocate the resources, and get the job done right.
Mistake 4 – Not Having a System to Track & Measure the Factors of Projects
You are operating in a dynamic environment. The only thing constant about project management is change. Often times, the success and failure hinges on how you keep track of the changes that are taking place, and how well you communicate that to the pertinent members of the team. In any workflow process, the completion of one task influences the other. So, if there is any obstacle or delay in one, the entire process is bound to suffer. How do you identify this change? And more importantly, how can you manage it?
Having a system in place that helps you monitor the tasks in real times, and allows you the tools to communicate easily are precisely what you need for success.
Don’t let these common mistakes hinder your progress! Get the tools that will help you organize, manage and monitor your projects. Get your team on the Same-Page with eStudioInstead of running a project management software comparison, take a few minutes out to explore eStudio’s best project management software features that can help transform your business processes!
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