The past couple of years have been pretty tough on the average consumer. Times have also been difficult for small business and even major corporations. Everyone is feeling the pain. So how do businesses survive and grow in difficult economic times? They increase productivity, decrease costs and use innovation to squeeze out the last dollar of profit or capture that additional sale. But what happens to non-profit organizations, whose lifeblood centers around the generosity of others? How do non-profits survive and continue to serve their constituents during a severe recession. Well, just like their for-profit cousins, the smart non-profits are using software-as-a-service and new, online collaboration tools to get better organized, become more efficient and cut costs to improve their overall performance.

Virtual office software provides a central location for file, events, contacts, tasks and more.
Non-profit organizations (“NPO”) have had to reduce staff and/or locations, so virtual office productivity has moved into the forefront of many NPOs. These virtual offices allow these organizations, their staff and volunteers to stay connected and continue their vital work.
Virtual office technology has come a long way in the past decade, and yet non-profit organizations have been slow to embrace technology until recently., LLP, with its award-winning collaboration suite called an “eStudio”, has seen an increase in use of its software-as-service by non-profits of more than 200% in the past 18 months. Providing a robust, integrated collection of productivity tools, has become the premier destination for those non-profit professionals.
Whether working in a scaled-down or a virtual office setting, collaboration tools such as document management, calendar software and task-tracking have really changed how non-profit organizations work. One Same-Page NPO client, an outdoor ministry, uses their eStudio to keep connected to their field volunteers in 4 states across the country. New volunteer recruits get training and track their progress. Administrators store all their 501(c) 3 documents, audits and other critical documents in a secure document management environment that can only be accessed by specific members of their team. Even donors have access areas on the eStudio, where they can view photos of recent events, and schedule upcoming events, from their computer or from their iPhone or Blackberry.
This type of collaboration software has helped hundreds of non-profit organizations stay better connected, be more efficient and reduce operational costs. Yes, as difficult as this economic crisis has been, the silver lining in all of this is organizations are beginning to embrace technology and becoming more productive thru the use of sophisticated collaboration software. Non-profit professionals looking for an edge are choosing for their organizational software needs.
It’s time to get everyone on the Same Page so get started by signing up for a FREE 30 day trial right now.